Parramatta River Sailing Club (PRSC) provides keelboat racing in two divisions. In Spring, Summer and Autumn we run spinnaker races each Saturday and in Winter we race each second Saturday. We also run a non-spinnaker twilight series during daylight saving period of the year each Wednesday evening. Spring, Summer and Autumn races are a mix of regular river races and harbour races. Courses for regular races take the fleet from our starting line at Looking Glass Point and extend to Putney Punt in the West to Cockatoo Island in the East. Our harbour series take one division to Shark Island and back and the other to Fort Denison and back.
Our clubhouse is very well located on the tip of Looking Glass Point (end of Wharf Road Gladesville) and provides a spectacular platform for watching the racing and passing traffic and provides some amazing sunset views. Club yachts successfully compete through the season in numerous other harbour and inter-club events. These include the Australia Day Regatta, Drummoyne Twilight Series, Balmain Regatta and the West Harbour Combined Club Summer Series - the latter two organised and run by Balmain Sailing Club. Contact us at [email protected] for more information. |
2024 - 2025 Sailing Season Twilight Series The first race of Twilight Series A will be held this Wednesday, 9th October 2024 with a start time of 17:45 for both Divisions. This is ten race series with races every Wednesday from 9th October till Wednesday 11th December 2024. Skippers are reminded that the courses remain the same as last season and the courses can be found on the Club’s web site in the 2024-25 PRSC Season Handbook and Sailing Instructions and under the Sailing Tab. The ‘e-Starter Anne Droid’ will be used for this Series. In relation to the Sailing Instructions, Skipper should note that ‘flags’ may be displayed on flagpole and/ or on the big screen as well as noting for handicap starts, start times may also be displayed on the big screen. Sailing Calendar – The 2024 - 25 Sailing Season Calendar is also available on the club’s web site along with the Handbook and Sailing Instructions. Safety Inspections – For the 2024-25 Season, safety inspections will again be conducted as a self- audit, based on the current Cat 7 Equipment Audit form, by skippers prior to their boats first race. Skippers are to advise the Club once they completed their self- audit. In addition, Skippers are reminder to they should have emergency contact details for their crew. SailPASS is now available at PRSC. SailPass is a means by which a non-member can go sailing at PRSC. It is a form of introductory or short-term temporary membership that allows you to sail in up to six races at the club once you have registered. PRSC offers its six race SailPass for small fee. To register for a SailPASS use the following link :- |