The gods are crazy.
Forecast for 10-12 but we got 15-20+ and some of the finest sailing weather. Bang snap and crackle and away we go. I’ve been visualising my starts and trying to get a better run to the line and this one worked a treat. Nothing like fantasising about race starts….
LOEG, BT, RnR and BV are all in a tussle from the line till Gladesville Bridge. Tack, cover, stall, find wind, tack, doldrums, blows, we had it all. Starboard calls, close calls, beer calls, it’s all happening back here. RGT liked it so much they joined in for a bit too. After a more than noble gesture of loaning the old (but fairly new) main to Black Velvet, I was more than worried they might sneak by us during the race, but as it turned out, their troubles weren’t above the water line…… We looked back to see them stopped in what looked like a lull but later found out they had kissed the sand near the bridge at Huntleys.
We then had RnR go deep into Tarban Bay and then steamed by us near Drummoyne steps. LOEG had got some ground on us but a solid leg to Spectacle had us ahead of RnR again and close to LOEG.
Discretion is the better part of valour they say, so we held off the kite till the bridge and then up she goes will little fuss. As we get to mark 1 we are literally a metre off the back of LOEG and pretty happy with that leg. We round and the next leg is not as kind to us and we don’t see LOEG again figuratively speaking. RnR have cut and run at Cockatoo Island and BV are up and running again.
Both LOEG and us miss going around the 2 marker buoys at Abbotsford. Us because we misjudge where they were and LOEG because, well best ask them. But both of us do our 360 penalties and of we go again. We cruise home in the afternoon sun basking in another well run race. We then spend too much time basking in the celebratory afternoon sun at the club and forget about the family function we are supposed to be at in 30 mins!!!
What a cracking way to spend an afternoon, hey? Love it.
Thanks again to the supporters on Balcony 55 including Brad. Great to see you out and about.
Thanks also to the vollies and starters on the day.
See you all out there this weekend.