At last the high winds have moved away and we can bring the new toy out to play!

After Jim tendered us to the boat from the club in style, the team and I jumped on Xena to prepare for the race. The sheets were loaded ready to raise the new purple people eater (PPE) spinnaker.
At last the high winds have moved away and we can bring the new toy out to play!
As the team and I become excited about the Special Trophies race it becomes apparent the wind gods did not want to come out and play. The lack of wind was quite apparent when watching Fine Balance travelling backwards over the start line more than once.
After a delayed start and the good judgement of the starters to change the course to an islands race, Div3 & Div1 ran the line together for the much awaited hooter to start together and see who could be 1st across the line.
Some may have seen Xena bravely bearing down to her preferred starting point on a port tack, with all other boats on Starboard. Interesting start, but Xena remained calm and tacked into the big boy’s line of sail.
Memories rushed back into my mind of a few years ago were Xena kept at least 500 meters away from all other boats, shaking in her leather boots and too scared to come close.
The crew and I have come a long way and should I say are now Braveheart’s! Well done boys.
With just enough wind and an outgoing tide we finally moved towards Cockatoo. Farrago well in front and Xena close to Fine Balance for the initial part of the race.
It was great to see Warrick of Whisper and James & Elly of Memphis joining the Div 3 race.
The winds came in as we moved past the Gladesville Bridge and the fleet picked up much needed speed.
Then as we rounded the islands and were on the East side of the Gladesville Bridge we popped the purple people eater. Was she a site to see! Much easier to handle and faster than the old larger white spinnaker. Xena’s nose was no longer diving into the water, she was easier to trim and I could actually see where I was going for a change.
Upon purchase of the new toy a crew member cheekily asked which solicitors name I had chosen to display on the new spinnaker…..LOL
I do see a Sydney Sail Makers sticker on there….great job Steve, not only is she pretty, but she runs like a dream.
The winds changed around the clubhouse so PPE went back into the bag and we carried on around the course and to the finish line.
All in all a fantastic and fun filled day on the water.
See you all next Saturday for some more fun and adventure!