“Go outside and play a game with your family. Write the name of the game and who you played it with in your homework book”
The game we played was called Yacht Racing. My Dad says that it is not a game and that it is a serious sport. He plays it every Saturday.
My job when we are racing is to load up the winches, pass the beers, eat the chips and help pull the spinnaker down the hatch. When the crew are too slow pulling down the spinnaker and drop it in the water they throw it on top of me and I get wet.
We raced against two other boats called Still Festering and Axis of Evil. The skipper of Still Festering is called Pat (but he looks like Uncle Fester). On Saturday some people on a ferry thought that he looked like Santa Claus. Axis of Evil is a small boat with a devil on the side of it. The crew are called Lemon, Lime and Bitters.
The race was three laps along the Parramatta River. We won by only one second (now my Dad thinks he is the best sailor in the world) and I was forced to write this because the winning boat has to write the race report.
George Wilson.