SF: Still Festering
The days forecast brought a smile to the competitors faces with all looking forward to that famous Sydney sea breeze that 10 to 15kt North Easterly. Division 3 started in a nice 7 to 10 kts with Xena bursting through to win the start with the rest of the fleet in hot pursuit. Farrago producing a trump card for the day with that wily old fox from the Parramatta River Jim Sinclair sneaking on board.
The lighter than expected spinnaker return to the PRSC saw a particular boat with an unexpected condition the Light beer was in shortage{ no name dropping here} what to do ? It’s a long long way back but a solution is found fortunately there was an abundance of crown larger {poor buggers} on board. So no such issues for the other 2 boats battling the conditions SF & AOE, they managed the days event with no such issues maintaining their fluid intake correctly for the longer than anticipated return in the light conditions. {remember the 5 P’s} .Back under the bridge conditions lightish spinnaker struggling to fill with light breeze and chop and still no change to positions. Into familiar waters on
the Parramatta River with no change to running order but sea state much flatter. Only concern at this stage is whether that boat with the light refreshment issue had managed to ration portions to last to the finish. At the finishing line positions were the same with no passing lanes being offered on the return. So position at the finishing line 1st SF, 2nd LOEG, and 3rd AOE. Handicap positions mirrored the finishing order. All in all the race was enjoyed by everyone. See you on the water next week.