Below is a breakdown of race result, of division 1, put together by Bruce Wilson the intimidator, of LOEG. The week prior to the last race of the season. Also a results so far” version of the club championship –
As a result of this potential, the crew of the LOEG immediately embarked on a series of secret training missions. What they didn't realise is that we had the AOE drone out shadowing their every move and here is a pictorial sample of their training. How could anything go wrong for them.....:)
My friend and skipper is pressured via this type of hype,and is watching every news report for a change in the weather. The weekends weather report, which is for light and variable breeze from the Northwest turning south and moving to the East.
As we line up for the start, the starter, postpones division 3 start due to lack of breeze and any knowledge from what direction it was coming from. As we sit floating, and sees the breeze coming down the river and Anne hoists the westerly course flag. The last time this flag was hoist Jim Sinclair sent the Axis of Evil on to the rocks at PRSC!
Both divisions lining up for the start in 5 minutes. Speed works us into a wonderful position, with LOEG. Just outside us, he gently starts pushing us up. Now I am saying to my self, when are we going to hit bottom now. Sitting slightly behind LOEG with cm off bottom the horn sounds. Willo is busy telling Still Festering that he is over, when Anne announces over the loud hailer, that that whole of division 1 were over plus a boat of Division 3. Speed can not believe the call, and questions the starter. Quick as a flash the grand mother of twins announces, yes you are over also Geoffrey! Anne will not but up with any nonsense.
Once we have turned and gotten on our way, SF is off and heading up the river to Morrision bay, the breeze is light and shifting from Nw To Sw, we pick a couple of great shift and are now close to LOEG. SF rounds and cracks his kite, as does Willo with us following. Back to Nestles and SF and LOEG are joined by AOE at the 12 footers, the breeze comes in and SF is Off like a gun shot. Followed by LOEG then the battlers on the little 22 footer take up the rear, once we round, the breeze had shifted and the skipper hails that the spinnaker must be hoisted, a great call, as we were able to stay in touch, back to Morrision and the positions remain the same.
We again round and cross to Mortlake when we hoist the very shy kite, proving to be another great tactic of the skipper as we sail in to Hen And Chicken Bay. Pat mean time is sailing up he bay when the breeze stops will is off the shore at quarantine and the mighty AOE is sailing in a light breeze up France bay, SF drifts round the mark with LOEG following, fresh breeze is coming down the bay as we round the mark up goes big red, and we again are set the task of catching the bastards in front.
It would be a lot nicer if the competition just kept their leads and built on them, this catch up came is getting the tension on AOE going. Next thing you know we are at Abbotsford with both LOEG being 1 metre off our bow and SF is Just round the point. SF gets the breeze coming out of Abbotsford and is off for the final buoy rounding. LOEG round and are heading home as we round the mark the breeze dies out up the bay and LOEG are sitting watching us bring fresh breeze home.
It is such a shame when you see this happen to your friends.
Needless to say SF wins scratch with a close finish between LOEG and AOE, the girls beat us by 6 seconds over the line. Who would have figured out this race. All I know is the skipper threw everything at the river today and came up trumps! All those years of watching Sumo pick those light weather lifts like nasal hairs out of Barry's nose paid off!
Well done Speed for a great race, many thanks to Still Festering and LOEG for great competition and for a great season of sailing.
Cheers Barry